NEWS T2 2024 Troubleshooting. An attempt to edit a Service or Adapter in a SB2BI instancerunning in an OCP environment times out after 60 seconds 

Integration News

Troubleshooting. An attempt to edit a Service or Adapter in a Sterling B2B Integrator instance running in an OCP environment times out after 60 seconds


An attempt to edit a Service or Adapter in a Sterling B2B Integrator instance running in an OCP environment times out after 60 seconds or displays a blank screen


Settings in require modification


Red Hat OCP

Diagnosing The Problem

Attempt to edit a Service or Adapter in a Sterling B2B Integrator instance running in an OCP environment. If the display shows only a blank screen or there is a timeout, the file may require modification.

Resolving The Problem

  • Copy the  from ASI pod’s /ibm/b2bi/install/properties/ to outside the pod.
  • Copy the to the <SI_CHARTS>/properties folder
  • Edit the file and update updateAllNodesInfo=true
  • Perform a helm upgrade and restart all pods.

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